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    1 27/05/2013 neiaeadry Found It GC478EN HUC - Casa do Pessoal "Parque de Merendas" Coimbra Portugal 0 0 view log
    2 24/01/2014 neiaeadry Found It GC2V5TT HOTEL MOSELOS Viseu Portugal 0 0 view log
    3 26/01/2014 neiaeadry Found It GC1K591 Hotel Estrela Guarda Portugal 0 0 view log
    4 23/03/2014 neiaeadry Found It GC4Y1DQ HOTEL TB Reigoso Viseu Portugal 0 0 view log
    5 06/04/2014 neiaeadry Found It GC468WD Hansel & Gretel e a Casa de Chocolate Leiria Portugal 0 0 view log
    6 18/08/2014 neiaeadry Found It GC42VW4 Hole-in-one Aveiro Portugal 0 0 view log
    7 18/08/2014 neiaeadry Found It GC58BQT Heráldica - Regimento de Engenharia Nº 3 Aveiro Portugal 0 0 view log
    8 04/10/2014 neiaeadry Found It GC1YNJD Hospital de la Sangre Andalucía Spain 0 0 view log
    9 08/12/2014 neiaeadry Found It GC4G173 Homenagem ao AIRUC Aveiro Portugal 0 0 view log
    10 09/01/2015 neiaeadry Found It GC2MPAE Herdade do Barrocal das Freiras Évora Portugal 0 0 view log
    11 06/03/2015 neiaeadry Found It GC3VA9W Hortas - Infias Guarda Portugal 0 0 view log
    12 04/04/2015 neiaeadry Found It GC47H1E Habilidade Motora-Rastejar Aveiro Portugal 0 0 view log
    13 25/08/2015 neiaeadry Found It GC4V305 Habemus cache Aveiro Portugal 0 0 view log
    14 28/08/2016 neiaeadry Found It GCG1YK Homage to Kazuo Dan [Torres Vedras] Lisboa Portugal 0 0 view log
    15 09/10/2016 neiaeadry Found It GC3CZCP Homenagem a todos os enfermeiros de Portugal V.2 Santarém Portugal 0 0 view log
    16 15/10/2016 neiaeadry Found It GC50P8R Hospital S. José Lisboa Portugal 0 0 view log
    17 11/02/2017 neiaeadry Found It GC41KF1 História de Oeiras Lisboa Portugal 0 0 view log
    18 19/03/2017 neiaeadry Found It GC4V9XR Hospital de Santa Maria Lisboa Portugal 0 0 view log
    19 18/04/2017 neiaeadry Found It GC6ZRZP HFAR - Hospital das Forças Armadas Lisboa Lisboa Portugal 0 0 view log
    20 07/05/2017 neiaeadry Found It GC4ZRBM Hostel TB Cadaval Lisboa Portugal 0 0 view log
    21 29/07/2017 neiaeadry Found It GC22P3W Hipercolesterolemia / Hypercholesterolemia Lisboa Portugal 0 0 view log
    22 16/09/2017 neiaeadry Found It GC77E7E Hallo Carpool? Vlaams-Brabant Belgium 0 0 view log
    23 12/11/2017 neiaeadry Found It GC256DA Hipertensão / Hypertension Lisboa Portugal 0 0 view log
    24 25/02/2018 neiaeadry Found It GC7HRNJ Hannu Mikkola Coimbra Portugal 0 0 view log
    25 14/04/2018 neiaeadry Found It GC3MFKE Homenagem a Avelar Brotero Lisboa Portugal 0 0 view log
    26 29/05/2018 neiaeadry Found It GC57979 HERMES » magnetic guard of the right fence Setúbal Portugal 0 0 view log
    27 16/09/2018 neiaeadry Found It GC3VFGD Hommage aux combattants morts en Indochine Pays de la Loire France 0 0 view log
    28 27/10/2018 neiaeadry Found It GC5A6N9 Heráldica - Cruz Vermelha Portuguesa Aveiro Portugal 0 0 view log
    29 19/12/2018 neiaeadry Found It GC7Z9TT Halloween Lisboa Portugal 0 0 view log
    30 13/01/2019 neiaeadry Found It GC7F4DH Homenagem às Mulheres de Messejana Beja Portugal 0 0 view log
    31 09/03/2019 neiaeadry Found It GC82M99 Hotel Turismo Rural Setúbal Portugal 0 0 view log
    32 30/03/2019 neiaeadry Found It GC3HCPP Hospital Santa Cruz Lisboa Portugal 0 0 view log
    33 04/05/2019 neiaeadry Found It GCMK41 Horst Janssen Hamburg Germany 0 0 view log
    34 04/05/2019 neiaeadry Found It GC7B9FT Hamburg Rathaus / Hamburg City Hall Hamburg Germany 0 0 view log
    35 05/05/2019 neiaeadry Found It GCMJBW Hamburg - The City of Bridges XI Hamburg Germany 0 0 view log
    36 08/07/2019 neiaeadry Found It GC6A0J4 Hortas Comunitarias da Outurela/Portela Lisboa Portugal 0 0 view log
    37 12/09/2019 neiaeadry Found It GC821XR Horta do Ferragial Faro Portugal 0 0 view log
    38 23/11/2019 neiaeadry Found It GC75JPP HFAR2 - Hospital das Forças Armadas Lisboa Lisboa Portugal 0 0 view log
    39 08/12/2019 neiaeadry Found It GC87GYE Halcón peregrino. Serie Aves P. N. Marismas Odiel Andalucía Spain 0 0 view log
    40 17/12/2019 neiaeadry Found It GC8DRZA Hostel TB Raqovelha Faro Portugal 0 0 view log
    41 27/02/2020 neiaeadry Found It GC8CTVT Hoje... há Bola! Adventure Lab Cache Bonus Cache Aveiro Portugal 0 0 view log
    42 29/02/2020 neiaeadry Found It GC7B6ER Hofgarten / Χόφγκαρτεν Nordrhein-Westfalen Germany 0 0 view log
    43 11/06/2020 neiaeadry Found It GC579P0 Homenagem à família Vilarregense Castelo Branco Portugal 0 0 view log
    44 12/06/2020 neiaeadry Found It GC39D60 Homenagem ao Screpy Castelo Branco Portugal 0 0 view log
    45 25/06/2020 neiaeadry Found It GC4RY7Y HERACLES » loving plants up behind the AC Setúbal Portugal 0 0 view log
    46 05/07/2020 neiaeadry Found It GC5HB5F HAPPY NEW YEAR Setúbal Portugal 0 0 view log
    47 21/07/2020 neiaeadry Found It GC6KZT6 Hidden Gem - Fossils in the Erosion. Faro Portugal 0 0 view log
    48 22/08/2020 neiaeadry Found It GC81G8W Hospital de São Teotónio (Viseu) Viseu Portugal 0 0 view log
    49 06/09/2020 neiaeadry Found It GC5HB5C Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas Setúbal Portugal 0 0 view log
    50 08/10/2020 neiaeadry Found It GC8B3JK Hospital de Dona Estefânia Lisboa Portugal 0 0 view log
    51 12/04/2021 neiaeadry Found It GC6C0ZX Homenagem CMPD Arquipélago Dos Açores Portugal 0 0 view log
    52 18/04/2021 neiaeadry Found It GC4PX2P HERA » high fence and agressive ants Setúbal Portugal 0 0 view log
    53 18/04/2021 neiaeadry Found It GC40Y28 HESTIA » guarder of YA 69-6262 Setúbal Portugal 0 0 view log
    54 23/05/2021 neiaeadry Found It GC69QHJ Há mais Lagoas na terra ... Lisboa Portugal 0 0 view log
    55 26/06/2021 neiaeadry Found It GC4X68E Help Desk @ Quinta do Pisão [Cascais] Lisboa Portugal 0 0 view log
    56 22/08/2021 neiaeadry Found It GC5MXXE Hyla molleri (Rela-comum) Lisboa Portugal 0 0 view log
    57 22/10/2021 neiaeadry Found It GC90YCF Horse Teeth (PT) - DP/EC 150 Lisboa Portugal 0 0 view log
    58 12/12/2021 neiaeadry Found It GC9HKRH Helioptile Setúbal Portugal 0 0 view log
    59 08/04/2022 neiaeadry Found It GC35P19 Het Mas Antwerpen Belgium 0 0 view log
    60 04/09/2022 neiaeadry Found It GC9EWKG Hala: Por el Multiverso con La Agüela Aragón Spain 0 0 view log
    61 04/09/2022 neiaeadry Found It GC85E18 HOTEL TB: COMARCA COMUNIDAD DE CALATAYUD Aragón Spain 0 0 view log
    62 17/09/2022 neiaeadry Found It GC9P0V6 Hospital João Palmeiro Setúbal Portugal 0 0 view log
    63 06/11/2022 neiaeadry Found It GC9JTV5 H+PA Setúbal Portugal 0 0 view log
    64 11/12/2022 neiaeadry Found It GC887NH Hanami. Serie Festivales Japoneses Andalucía Spain 0 0 view log
    65 11/12/2022 neiaeadry Found It GC8B7BQ Hinamatsuri. Serie Festivales Japoneses Andalucía Spain 0 0 view log
    66 11/02/2023 neiaeadry Found It GC7GNZ3 História da Carochinha Setúbal Portugal 0 0 view log
    67 08/04/2023 neiaeadry Found It GC9Y68W Herdade do Zambujeiro Adventure Lab Bónus Santarém Portugal 0 0 view log
    68 17/06/2023 neiaeadry Found It GCA7F0T Hot Dog Setúbal Portugal 0 0 view log
    69 08/07/2023 neiaeadry Found It GC4T8JA Há Rock na Vila Castelo Branco Portugal 0 0 view log
    70 27/09/2023 neiaeadry Found It GC7N0ZK Hot Pot am Hot Spot Zürich Switzerland 0 0 view log
    71 29/09/2023 neiaeadry Found It GC7B784 H.S.H. Prince Franz Josef II. & Princess Gina None Liechtenstein 0 0 view log
    72 29/09/2023 neiaeadry Found It GC1D5NG Hohes Haus - Vaduz None Liechtenstein 0 0 view log
    73 30/09/2023 neiaeadry Found It GC4N5B0 Haus Auer Tirol Austria 0 0 view log
    74 30/09/2023 neiaeadry Found It GCADJEF Hochzeiger Tirol Austria 0 0 view log
    75 30/09/2023 neiaeadry Found It GC9P5Z2 Hochzeiger - Virtual Reward 3.0 Tirol Austria 0 0 view log
    76 14/01/2024 neiaeadry Found It GCAHNVK Homenagem aos Combatentes do Ultramar Évora Portugal 0 0 view log
    77 12/05/2024 neiaeadry Found It GC9MGTV Hasta la vista MASHNURSE Île-de-France France 0 0 view log
    78 19/05/2024 neiaeadry Found It GC12FB1 House of Diamonds [Lisboa] Lisboa Portugal 0 0 view log
    79 06/07/2024 neiaeadry Found It GCAJFK2 Have a heart Lisboa Portugal 0 0 view log
    80 07/07/2024 neiaeadry Found It GCARQ11 Holidays Nest - A Casa de Férias Setúbal Portugal 0 0 view log
    81 10/08/2024 neiaeadry Found It GC7WQ0Y Homenagem aos Combatentes de Guerra Santarém Portugal 0 0 view log
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